Apr 25, 2009

Cough, cough, cough...

Hope this finds everyone well. It was hard to leave Matti's little family behind:-( Apparently Eden looked for me for over an hour after I left and "little Tex" had some sort of crying fit--Matti said Eden was convinced that I was hiding somewhere even though I had kissed her goodbye and said I had to leave to check on Grandpa. To add to that, more downpours plus all the power went out which finally got fixed Friday (broken breaker box). Wow, Matti you have really been tested! You are an terrific mom and I am very proud of you. Hang in there! Thanks again for all the great memories:-)

I made it back to Arizona a little after midnight. Tom informed me that we would be going home to an empty frig unless we stopped at Wal-Mart on the way, which we did. Once home I got my second "wind" and spent the next few hours reorganizing some of my cabinets and closets. Before I knew it, the sun was coming up! The weather has been a bit warm but gorgeous---I don't mind the heat:-)

Anyway, no pictures as I have been down with a "flu bug" ever since I got home. Believe me, I am a pitiful sight:-) So much for that tan I worked so hard on...

I want to thank Tom and Micah for all the unpacking of boxes I left behind, moving furniture, hanging stuff, cleaning out and organizing the garage and on and on! You did an AMAZING job! Thanks guys for all the love.

Will try to get more posted early next week...

Apr 20, 2009

Still in Paradise...

Well, I am still in Hauula for one more day before I return to the mainland on Wednesday. It has been great to spend some time with my Hawaii kids and have some bonding time with Eden and "little Tex". Matti and Jon have been terrific--even giving me their bedroom! Anyway, I am sure they will enjoy having their little beach house and privacy back for awhile.

It was a beautiful weekend, but last night, throughout the night and today it has been raining by the bucketfuls:-) We are so thankful that we headed for the beach Friday and Saturday!

On Saturday we headed for a new place (to me) called Alligator Pond. A really pretty park/beach with a long stretch of coral resembling an alligator. The long reef creates beautiful sandy, crystal clear tide pools to play in--perfect for kids (and the big ones too). And did I mention that there was a Monk Seal sleeping right in the middle of the pond--So COOL!!! Eden had soooo much fun!

For more pictures click on the bottom of your updates on the words My Invincible Summer and then click on the words A Wiggle Worm (or on Matti's picture) when you get to my blog, or just peak in on Matti's blogspot directly at http://123parkers.blogspot.com/ She has some really cute/funny pictures and comments...

Must admit, I am getting anxious to get back to Arizona to see what Tom has been doing to "fix up" my new place...sweet, but scary too--if you know what I mean. lol

This will probably be my last blog from the islands--hope you enjoyed the "tour" of North Shore Oahu. Even in the rain it is so beautiful--gorgeous ocean waves, green lush rain forest jungle; steamy and sultry like an old Bogie movie. Think I will go find a copy of "Casablanca" ...here's lookin' at you kid:-)