It is hard to believe, but March is almost gone and the March breezes are definitely blowing today. I hope that means April will come in like a lamb. My biggest concern is our new little "house guest", a dove. She has apparently decided she likes my wire basket so much that is on top of my cabinet on my patio that she has built a nest in it. I recall that little basket has been known to fly off if the winds get too strong, so what to do? To make matters worse, there is a larger straw basket right beside it that could go flying on top of her and her nest! If I climb up there and try to adjust or remove things it will probably scare her off:/
I discovered her yesterday when I was dusting and vacuuming the furniture on my patio and when I climbed on a chair to reach the top of the cabinet, there she was staring back at me. She didn't move! I know I must have frightened her, but she held her ground so stoically that I thought she must be dead, but no, she was just sitting there quietly and faithfully...protecting that nest. Mothers are the same whether human or animal I guess. Anyway she certainly impressed me.
I had a wonderful trip to Dallas this month and am including some pictures of Mike, Lisa and their family. It was spring break for the kids and we had a super time together including a redo for Connor and Charles's room! They have outgrown the cute "jungle" look and so we decided to go more "high tech". Both Connor (Mr. piano) and Charles (Mr. electric guitar and a super tech guru) are good musicians and wanted something that reflected that. It was a great family project and from what I hear they are still putting up the finishing touches. We also made some fun side trips as well that you can see from the photos. I tried to keep up on my one hour walks each day and they even joined me a time or two including along the railroad tracks! Thanks again you was really great and I truly appreciated the tickets!
My next trip should be to if anyone hears of some good airfares let me know, but will probably just fly to Vegas and ride with Jen the rest of the way on one of her trips;-)
Well, that's all for now...miss everyone! Thanks for keeping in touch it means a lot!