May 28, 2010

The View

I am off to dreamland and have really had a full day but I could not close my eyes without a very short post.

Tonight as I was driving home from Bahama Bucks with a friend visiting from Utah, we were taken in by the full moon on the desert backdrop. It was such an inspiring view. I am so thankful to be here in Arizona;-) It has definitely been a stretch for me to be so far from my kiddos, but every day here has been a blessing in some way or another...what a beautiful place to live!

May 27, 2010

U is for Undervalued

"Be pretty if you are; Be witty if you can; Be cheerful if it kills you."

I found this quote on line the other day and really liked it. There was no mention of an author so I guess we can chalk it up to another one by 'anonymous';-) Having a good disposition and general cheerfulness is often undervalued. Who does not enjoy being around a cheerful, upbeat person? Anyway, it reminded me of how important it is to smile or even laugh even at ourselves. From what "they" say, it takes fewer muscles and sure makes the world around us a much more pleasant and agreeable place!

I found myself in the middle of some unpleasant banter the other day between two other people. Standing there and watching the tempers the stress level rise, I just had to step back and try my best to remain calm and objective. As I watched from that point of view, it totally reminded me of two second graders going at it. It seemed that each one was wanting to prove they were right even though there wasn't anything to benefit from any of it other than some silly and lame bragging rights. Seeing this just made me smile...and ask, why, why, why do we do this to ourselves? Let's face it we all have our moments! Even though I was not at all involved in any of it, I too was feeling the stress in the air!

My husband has a favorite saying..."step back and take a deep breath", meaning don't let your emotions run away with you. So, I agree, "be cheerful if it kills you"...and you will probably live a much longer, healthier and happier life, and who doesn't want that?

May 26, 2010

T for Training...

I have spent the past few 12 hour days in the second phase of a grueling training session to learn the art of "renewing" the body. In other words we learn how to help empower the body to heal itself naturally through certain "signals". It is a natural health care renewal system similar to Reflexology, but with updated and improved methods. It is called SureFooted Health Renewal and is a very intense course. I am determined to learn this stuff and get certified! Will be taking my finals in two more weeks with a lot of review and studying in the meantime.

I must admit that learning new things at my age (especially all the medical terms) has been quite a challenge for my brain:/ but hopefully that's a good thing!!! Wish me luck...any volunteers out there for me to practice on???;-)

May 25, 2010

S is for Sea...

"My soul is full of longing
For the secret of the sea,
And the heart of the great ocean
Sends a thrilling pulse through me."
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Oh how I love the is eternally connected to my soul:)

May 23, 2010

R for Rest

I generally like to rest on the Sabbath, but today was definitely not that kind of day. After spending the morning getting ready for a house guest, I attended the dedication service for the new Gila Valley Temple. It was so moving to see such long time faithful people get their much deserved and anticipated temple. When they did the traditional hosanna shout followed by the stirring "The Spirit of God" hymn I knew I had reach a spiritual high for the day...what a wonderful experience!

Following that, my friend, Claudia, arrived from Salt Lake City for a few days and, of course, we stayed up way too late visiting about things:/ So here I am trying to remain faithful to my blogging commitment. I am definitely ready for some much needed rrrrest!

Q for Quail

I mentioned several days ago that I discovered another nest in the back yard. This time it was a large nest in the potted palm. As it was well hidden under cascading petunias, I was never able to get a close enough look at it to see the mama bird. Well today as I was reading a book by the pool, I looked up in time to see not only the mama, but at least 15 little babes toddling along behind. Yes indeed it was a family of quail and daddy was watching from the wall up above.

I am including some pictures of their nest and their walk, but you will have to look closely to see the babies hiding in the bushes. What a sweet family they make. Don't you just love nature:-)?