Time to catch up...
I have been so busy lately living life that I have not taken time to share any of it with you. My children are starting to get concerned so I guess I had better do an update;-)
Thanksgiving came and went so quickly. Jen came home to join us and we were able to get the tree decorated. I must admit it was wonderful to have our dinner beside the swimming pool and enjoy the flowers in the back yard.
We also took time to tour the beautiful Christmas lights around the Mesa Temple. Gorgeous! Amy and I got to see all the many workers and heavy equipment putting them in place when she was here a few weeks earlier. This is definitely my way of enjoying the winter season!
Shortly after our Thanksgiving celebration it was time for another trip to St. George to work on the Vista Charter School project. I was also able to catch two of Jen's ballet performances. A tribute to the LDS Prophets and Nutcracker which was gorgeous. Jen did a terrific job in both. I was only sorry I was not able to get some pictures of the Nutcracker costuming...but because they are copy protected, no photography is allowed. One of her best friends Laura Taylor flew in for her performance as well. I will include some pictures. The tallest gal in the picture is Jen's roommate Caroline, a real sweetheart and the young man Jen's friend Paul Cochran. We all went out to celebrate at Chile's after the Nutcracker. It was actually snowing when we left the theater which just seemed to be a fitting addition to a beautiful evening:-)
My last day in St. George I was greeted with an icy snow storm. That was definitely enough to do me for the year. OK, so call me a wimp;-)
It was a week of hard work and fun and it is nice to be back to my Arizona sunshine!