Jul 17, 2009

Empty House

Wow--the days went way too fast! It is hard to believe that Matti and her two little ones, Tex, 4 months and Eden 2, were here since June 18th. The days and weeks seemed to fly by and there were still so many things on our list that didn't get done.

The same was true for Miah, Rachel and their kids, Chance 7 and Deja 10...and now, the house seem so quiet and empty.

Today when I was backing out of my driveway there was a baby binky on the ground (apparently dropped when Matti loaded everyone up for the airport yesterday morning). Just seeing it made me tearful. Isn't is something how little things can bring on such big emotions?

I spent most of yesterday wiping off little fingerprints and spills and now my house is spic and span--but the sweet sounds of childhood are also gone.

I read something the other day that I really liked. "Don't cry tears of sadness when they are gone; cry tears of joy for all the wonderful memories"...thanks everyone for tears of joy. Please come back soon!


wood0306 said...

We had fun and miss you too! Now it's time for you to relax!

Jonathon Parker said...

Thanks for all the fun Mom! We miss you too. Thanks for letting us hang out, relax, and put finger prints all over everywhere. :-) Love you! Hope you enjoy your quiet time before the next crew of visitors come.

Matti said...

Oops, forgot to sign in as myself, so that last comment is in Jonathon's name. ;-)

Amy K said...

What great photos. :) We are getting excited about coming down in a couple weeks, so take advantage of a couple extra naps before the Caide Brigade shows up.