Apr 2, 2009


Well, I thought I should send out a note to all who tell me they are "jealous" I am in Hawaii. I am really enjoying my time here with Matti and her sweet family, but as for the weather well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words so here is one to view.

So far we have experienced about three weeks of overcast skies and rain, except on Sunday, of course, when we are at church. Today we actually saw some blue in the sky and, you guessed it, sunshine. This was more than I could handle so I donned a bathing suit and headed for a nearby beach. Except for the wind which was considerable, it was really very pretty--for about 45 minutes, that is...All of a sudden these dark clouds seem to appear out of nowhere and down came torrents of rain! I was soaked to the skin by the time I made it back to Matti's house!

I really was pleased to note, however, that I seem to have the beginnings of a tan line! It was a much needed 45 minutes and very much appreciated.

I am sending sunshine your way even though it is only in my imagination:-) Of course, Tom has informed me that it has been blue skies and sunshine every day since I left Mesa!! Go figure...

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