May 13, 2010

My "F" Words

In case you are wondering...the above photo is a baby picture of me...

My sister reminded me yesterday that I still have not written something for "F"...she suggested "fabulous" or "fruits of my labor". These are both great suggestions...thanks, Sis!

Actually when I think of FABULOUS...many things come to mind. Things such as my religion and my Savior, my kids, grand kids and family, Arizona sunshine, great friends, Mexican food (thanks to all the wonderful Hispanics who live here, and yes, like my state, I am an advocate of legal immigration;), Charming Charlies (my favorite accessories store), spending time at the ocean/Hawaii (they just seem to go together), swimming pool, dark chocolate, morning walks, lunch out with girlfriends, the smell of a new baby, good books, hiking in the, the list could just go on and on!

FRUITS OF MY LABOR, now this one is much more challenging. I have had 66 years to work on these so they should be really good, right? Actually, I would describe myself as a slow starter, thinking back on all the "sidetracks" I took along the way. But thanks to a wonderful Savior, who doesn't give up on us and who loves and understands me better than I understand myself, I managed to get back on the path. Without a doubt, the best "fruits" are byproducts of my 48 year marriage to a sweet husband;-) Namely, my kids, grand kids and great grands. My many wonderful friendships that have developed over the know who you are:), the "me" I have come to know and accept (including my many flaws), and probably my work, more like a passion in interior design.

Well, that's enough introspection for today...I'm getting a headache!!! Tomorrow is "J";-)

1 comment:

Ms. Wood Dance said...

J is for JENNIE just so you remember ;-) And Mom, we aren't supposed to say "F" words--just ask my first graders :-) Love you!