May 14, 2010

Jump Rope Rhymes

Well today is the letter J. My daughter Jen reminded me that her name starts with a J...and she also told me that her first graders would remind me not to use "F" words:)

Sorry, Jen, for my "F" words and also will have to do a post on another day for Jen. As I understand the challenge these are supposed to be random things about me and so I will stick with just that...

J has been hard for me, so I googled "J" words and got a lot of them including joyful, jowl and JPEG! In fact, the more I looked the more I realized that there are a lot of things that start with J that I am not particularly fond of...jello, jerky, jogging to name a few. Then I remembered something from my childhood that I loved...jump rope!

I would spend hours after school and at recess jumping rope with my girlfriends. I knew so many jump rope rhymes like "Policeman, policeman, do your duty. Along comes (insert name) the American beauty...."; Down in the valley where the green grass grows..."; "Fortune-teller, fortune-teller, please tell me, what will the name of my husband be? A, B, C..."; "I took a trip around the world, and this is where I went..."; and my all time favorite, "Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief, doctor lawyer, merchant, chief..." In fact, I think this one was a variation of the Fortune-teller one.

Can anyone tell me if any of these rhymes are still used? Also would love to have you share some you might remember;)

I think I may run out and buy a jump rope...

1 comment:

Matti said...

Cinderella, dressed in yella, went upstairs to kiss a fella. Made a mistake. Kissed a snake. How many doctors did it take? 1..2..3..4

Teddy bear teddy bear turn around...

Eden is starting to get into jumping rope. We'll have to give it a try next time we get together! ;-)