May 23, 2010

R for Rest

I generally like to rest on the Sabbath, but today was definitely not that kind of day. After spending the morning getting ready for a house guest, I attended the dedication service for the new Gila Valley Temple. It was so moving to see such long time faithful people get their much deserved and anticipated temple. When they did the traditional hosanna shout followed by the stirring "The Spirit of God" hymn I knew I had reach a spiritual high for the day...what a wonderful experience!

Following that, my friend, Claudia, arrived from Salt Lake City for a few days and, of course, we stayed up way too late visiting about things:/ So here I am trying to remain faithful to my blogging commitment. I am definitely ready for some much needed rrrrest!

1 comment:

Matti said...

Hi Mom! Hope you enjoyed your Rrrest! Love ya!