May 23, 2010

Q for Quail

I mentioned several days ago that I discovered another nest in the back yard. This time it was a large nest in the potted palm. As it was well hidden under cascading petunias, I was never able to get a close enough look at it to see the mama bird. Well today as I was reading a book by the pool, I looked up in time to see not only the mama, but at least 15 little babes toddling along behind. Yes indeed it was a family of quail and daddy was watching from the wall up above.

I am including some pictures of their nest and their walk, but you will have to look closely to see the babies hiding in the bushes. What a sweet family they make. Don't you just love nature:-)?


Matti said...

Wow! 15 babies??

Julie said...

Love the pic of the eggs!!