May 20, 2010

Oooops I skipped a day...

I just realized yesterday went right by me and I did not post on my blog...So I guess I will have to make it up on another day. My letter today is "O" for in lifting our fragile inner spirits.

This morning I taught a class on interior design to some gals and as it is my passion, I had a really fun time doing it. I sure hope they enjoyed themselves as well. In any event, as I was talking about creating illusions and dreamscapes with the use of lines, color, shape and form it occurred to me that we sometimes do the same with ourselves. I believe sometimes we create "outer shells" around ourselves in the hope that we don't get "discovered". Let's face it, every day we are bombarded with media blips telling us who we should be, what we should look like, where we should be seen, etc., etc. The real test comes when we go home at the end of the day and look at the woman in the mirror. Do you really love and appreciate that one staring back at you? I know I am sometimes very hard on her and do not always give her the benefit of the doubt but instead continually deflate her with self destructive talk and unnecessary comparisons.

In this day of smoke and mirrors and cosmetic "lifts"...are we losing out on knowing and appreciating the beautiful Heavenly spirit living within our bodily shells? Our Heavenly Father sent us here as a beloved daughter to learn and grow so we can return to Him even stronger and more polished than when we left. Returning home with a damaged spirit should not be an option, especially if we are the one most responsible for its condition. I hereby resolve to do all I can to uplift that woman in the mirror. I promise to give her a little more slack, more positive strokes and uplifting thoughts to help her be the best she can possibly be;-)


Ms. Wood Dance said...

Nicely written, Mom. That was a great follow-up to some of the things I told you about earlier today on the phone that I had learned today. One thing that has stuck out to me is the idea that Heavenly Father placed in our bodies spirits that amazingly have natural interests and abilities. Just like Mozart looked at the piano and it just made sense to him, and it seemed so natural to do what he did with all those keys, we each have instinctive or natural gifts and abilities that become our passions in life usually. We should not downplay them just because they are natural to us--God didn't give them to every one of his children because he expected that we would each share what we were given, thus fulfilling the needs of one another. So thanks for always encouraging me to share what came naturally to me, and what most inspired me. Love you!

Matti said...

I would never think that you would stand in front of the mirror and talk or think badly about yourself. You have always been an example to me of confidence. I'm glad you are my Mom and I love you just the way you are! But, I love what you wrote here...because I know I am often quite hard on myself. Thanks!